Yesterday, the Federal Government announced that it paid $20 million dollars to secure the copyright of the Aboriginal flag. In a press release, Scott Morrison proclaimed, “we’ve freed the Aboriginal flag for Australians… the flag will now be managed in a similar manner to the Australian National Flag, where its use is free, but must be presented in a respectful and dignified way.”
This has been accepted by the overwhelming majority of Australians. I am certainly one of them. But our work is not done. In fact, our next move should be to change the Australian flag, in order to make it more “Australian”. What I’m suggesting is that we remove the Union Jack and put the Aboriginal flag in its place.
Doing this would reflect our true origins, and would be a truly respectful recognition of our First Nations people. It would become a powerful symbol of unity, with the Aboriginal flag and our beautiful Southern Cross equally sharing place?
“While the Australian government has secured the rights to the Aboriginal flag,
I feel it’s time for a truly inclusive national flag“
It would also better represent our current population, as we’ve moved away from British representation, as nearly 30% of our population was born overseas. In the often-quoted words of Prime Minister Morrison and Leader of the Opposition Anthony Albanese, Australia is the most multicultural nation in the world. I ask all thoughtful Australians to let us know what they think of this proposal.
In a short survey I organised, I discovered that well over 90% of those polled would see the removal of the Union Jack as a positive change. It is a very worthwhile change that will start to recognise and start to heal the many wounds inflicted on the custodians of this beautiful land. Let’s start working on it. (Franca Arena AM)
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