Anne Stanley MP, Federal Member for Werriwa has recently celebrated 5 years in Parliament representing the needs of the local community in South West Sydney.
The Member issued a statement which we are glad to publish and acknowledge her contribution to politics.
“It has now been 5 years since I stood in Federal Parliament to speak for the first time. I know I don’t stand in Parliament alone – I represent the people of Werriwa, and I am encouraged and supported by my colleagues, friends and family.
Much has changed in 5 years, but my values have not. I will continue to fight for a better Australia, one who welcomes its residents, who supports properly funded health and education, and creates jobs.
I am a lifelong resident of Werriwa and I understand the joys and challenges of life in our region. I grew up here, raised my family here and I have a passionate connection to the area.
I will continue to work hard towards a society where everyone, whatever their means, is welcomed and are able to achieve their full potential.
One that enjoys access to high quality public education in local schools and TAFEs, a properly resourced health care system through Medicare and funding for local hospitals, and enhanced opportunities for well-paid secure employment.
I am committed to making Werriwa a better place, both in the present, and for our children in the future”.
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