Charities Not Welcome under the Morrison-Joyce Government

Anne Stanley MP, Member for Werriwa, has supported the call from charities and non-profit organisations to stop the Federal Government changes to the ACNC Regulations.

The Morrison-Joyce Government are facing major opposition from the majority charities, non-profits and churches as legislation is set to pass in Parliament that will change ACNC Regulations, permitting charities commissioner Gary Jones to strip the charitable status of organisations who criticise the Government.

A review of the existing regulations around unlawful conduct recommended it should be scrapped. However, with this new legislation the Morrison Government will drastically expand the scope of the activities these regulations could capture.

“Ever since they were elected, the Coalition has waged a war on Australian charities.” Ms Stanley said. “The first set of changes made to charities by the government claimed they were cracking down on criminals disguised as charities. But in the past four years, just two out of 59,000 charities have been disqualified for break- ing the law.

“These changes are merely new tools to shut down dissenting voices. The Morrison Government want charities to be seen, not heard.

“As well as this egregious proposition, Gary Jones, the charities Commissioner, has openly criticised important charities such as Beyond Blue and Recognise, and has even called Indigenous women cash cows.

“This is not somebody who should be in charge of what constitutes a charity, or any position of power.
“I stand with all charities, non-profits and churches in the call for an end to these regulations immediately.” Ms Stanley said.

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