History travels on board Dante’s Train

A journey aboard a historic train that winds along the Florence-Faenza-Ravenna train line, with stops in the most significant locations, capable of witnessing not only the cultural and naturalistic richness of the area but also its true identity in the life of the Supreme Poet, Dante Alighieri.

Il Treno di Dante (“Dante’s Train”) is a project born from the collaboration between the Emilia-Romagna Region, the Emilia-Romagna Railway and the Fondazione Ferrovie dello Stato. It represents a unique travel experience aboard a historic train, which crosses the heart of the Tuscan-Romagnolo Apennines to discover the lands that Dante Alighieri visited on his way between Florence and Ravenna.

The historic train departing from the station of Florence Santa Maria Novella crosses the Mugello, reaches Borgo San Lorenzo and then stops along the villages of Marradi and Brisighella before reaching the city of Faenza. The journey ends in Ravenna, the famous city of mosaics and where the Supreme Poet died in 1321.

The first trip of Dante’s Train took place in the first weekend of July. When purchasing a ticket, passengers will be possible to access various benefits included in the purchase such as free admissions to museums and discounts at partner restaurants.

A series of themes surround the experiential journey, linked to Dante’s life events and milestones to enhance the villages and lands reached along the train ride.

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