Italy Launches COVID-19 Inquiry Commission

A Political firestorm erupts as parliament takes on a comprehensive probe of pandemic handling with Italy’s lower house giving a green light to establish a parliamentary inquiry commission to investigate the government’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. The move has sparked intense backlash from the opposition parties, who were in power during the early stages of the crisis. The commission aims to shed light on the decision-making processes and assess the effectiveness of measures taken to combat the virus, along with a focus on vaccine approval and adverse effects, while notably leaving out an investigation into the role of regional authorities.

As former Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, now the leader of the 5 Star Movement opposition party, expressed his concerns: “As it is, this parliamentary commission is a political firing squad for two names: Giuseppe Conte and Roberto Speranza.”

The approval of the commission has ignited a heated political debate, with Conte further adding that the commission was “a clear and diabolical objective: to target your political adversaries.” Speranza, who served in the centre-left government as Health Minister when the pandemic hit Italy in February 2020, faces potential scrutiny over the pandemic management decisions made at the time.

The opposition’s outcry stems from the commission’s failure to include investigations into the actions of regional authorities during the pandemic. This omission has drawn sharp criticism from opposition parties, who argue that the role of regions in managing the crisis should be subject to scrutiny.

The inquiry commission is set to be composed of 15 senators and 15 deputies and will operate throughout the legislative period. The scope of investigation covers a wide range of aspects, including the evaluation of the government’s response measures, the national pandemic plan, vaccine approval processes, and the actions of the extraordinary commissioner in charge of handling the emergency.

“As it is currently conceived, this commission is an insult to the citizens and families who have suffered and to all the healthcare personnel on the front lines. If they vote for it, it’s a farce,” said Giuseppe Conte, the leader of M5s, expressing his dissatisfaction with the commission’s limitations. Additionally, the commission aims to assess the compliance of Italy with national, European, and international health regulations during the pandemic.

The approval of the inquiry commission reveals a deepening political divide within Italy’s legislative body. While the right-wing majority celebrated the vote as a quest for “truth,” many opposition parliamentarians abstained from voting, and some even left the chamber in protest. The investigation now awaits approval from the Senate, where the right-wing alliance commands a majority.

Italy bore the brunt of the pandemic as the first Western country to face the virus’s arrival. With 190,000 deaths and a significant economic downturn, the nation endured considerable suffering during 2020. During the parliamentary debate, Alice Buonguerrieri, a deputy from the Fratelli d’Italia party, delivered a passionate speech, highlighting the importance of the inquiry commission in seeking the truth about the pandemic response:

“On 31st January 2020, the Conte government declared a state of national emergency for the coronavirus. From that moment, one of the saddest periods in the history of our nation began… Are we sure that everything went as it should have? And so, colleagues, the Inquiry Commission is not just a useful tool, but a necessary one to ascertain what happened, to clarify matters, to restore the truth to the Italians, and to verify any responsibilities, because if mistakes were made, they should not be repeated. A commission that, from the very beginning, I say it clearly and taking full responsibility, will verify every aspect of the pandemic, because the truth is a precious asset for everyone.”

Buonguerrieri further emphasised the need to investigate various aspects of the pandemic response, including the failure to update the pandemic plan and activate it promptly. She also called for an examination of Italy’s relations with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the withdrawal of a report indicating the country’s lack of preparedness. Additionally, she highlighted the importance of scrutinising contracts, vaccine spending, and adverse vaccine effects. In her impassioned speech, Buonguerrieri challenged her fellow parliamentarians to embrace transparency and answer critical questions raised during the commission’s proceedings.

As Italy embarks on this comprehensive inquiry into its pandemic response, tensions are running high. The establishment of the parliamentary commission signals an earnest attempt to seek accountability and learn from the past. The nation awaits the Senate’s decision on the inquiry’s fate, hoping that the truth can be unveiled without compromising the pursuit of justice and better pandemic preparedness. Alice Buonguerrieri’s powerful intervention echoes the nation’s call for transparency and truth during these unprecedented times.

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