«Every human being has the legal capacity from the moment of conception. The property rights that the law recognises in favor of the unborn child are subject to the event of birth.”
It is the short and meaningful text of a popular law proposal to modify article 1 of the civil code in Italy by attributing legal capacity to the unborn child from conception. It was presented in the Nasiriyah Fallen Hall of the Senate, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Paola Binetti, senator and promoter of the initiative, has also proposed an allowance for families, which is given when the unborn reaches the seventh month of gestation.
“In the legal feeling of the country, the unborn child is there”, emphasises Binetti. The Senator has also noted that another law was recently approved in the Senate dealing with rare diseases, which provides for “extended prenatal screening” for pathologies that manifest themselves at a fetal stage.
It is now a question of “rediscovering the intrinsic value of the dignity of life.”
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