Antonella, a golden marches on her birthday

Another success in the 20 km. The Apulian athlete, on her thirtieth birthday, finished ahead of the Colombian Arenas and the Chinese Liu.

Another gold and yes!, Italian athletics never stop. Again from the march, again from the 20 km, this time in the female competition. Antonella Palmisano, on the wonderful day of her 30th birthday, replicates the feat made 24 hours earlier by Massimo Stano. The two have much in common: the region of origin, Puglia (she is from Mottola, Taranto); the coach, San Patrizio Parcesepe; the training center, Castelporziano, in Ostia, the home of the Fiamme Gialle, Antonella’s club. In addition to having a big heart.

Antonella, a European and a world bronze medalist, is the first female Olympic gold medalist of the Italian heel and toe. First, among women, the silver of Betty Perrone in the 10 km of Atlanta 1996 and the bronze in the 20 of Elisa Rigaudo in Beijing 2008. For the tricolor march, men included, it is the tenth title (out of the 23 overall in the history of the discipline ) and the nineteenth medal out of 64. And so Italy is now in third place in the Tokyo medal after the United States and Poland. Yes, it must be a dream.

Evidently it was a pre (tactic) studied for the occasion. Pretend that you are not in a condition, that you have had a preparation slowed down by injuries (groin problems for Antonella) and then, in the race, lead from the first steps. Palmisano does not win, she dominates!

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